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Soundbar Installations

Soundbar Installation Services

Get your custom soundbars professionally installed. Choose from a range of services tailored for Jeep models.

Soundbar Installation

  • JK & TJ Soundbars (ASB): $550
  • JL & JT Soundbars (ASB): $650

Amplifier Installation

2 Channel Amplifier Install: $120

BOSS Installation

BOSS Install: $250 - $300

ASB RGB Light Kit Installation

RGB Light Kit Install: $220

Are you interested in having our professionally trained technicians install your Soundbars? Let's connect!

Here are the ways to get in touch with us:

You have 3 options to set up an appointment with one of our Jeep Specialists:

1. Call us during our hours of operation to set up an appointment with one of our Jeep Specialists

Office: (570) 369-4010


Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

2. Send us an email with your contact information and we will reach out to you directly to set up an appointment.

Email: Hello@americansoundbar.com

3. Go to our Contact Us page and fill out the form. We will reach out to you ASAP!